Computer Says No
Leo Boyd
Dates: 6 - 9 June 24
Location: Vault Artist Studios Gallery & Project Space
Opening Night: 6th June | 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Times: Mon - Sun | 12:00pm - 6:00pm
As a much younger man, Leo would spend his waking hours sketching panels and lines in the hope that one day his dream of becoming a comic artist would come true. His first job after finishing art school was as a comic artist in residence in an art centre in Brussels. But the glamorous life of a sequential artist was not to be and Leo continued making art as a screen printer and painter. In this new series, Leo has ditched the computer and picked up the pen again to create a series of single panel comics that try to make sense of the increasingly bonkers world around us.
Image Credit: Courtesy of the artist Leo Boyd