Aaryan Sinha Photographer

This Isn't Divide and Conquer

Aaryan Sinha

Dates: 6 June - 30 June

Location: Botanic Gardens

Times: 7:30am - 8:30pm: Mon - Sun

The title of the project holds historical connotations, insofar as ‘Divide and Conquer’ was a strategy of the British that pitted religious groups against one another during colonisation. The hope of employing it was that Indians would be busy fighting amongst one another instead of the Imperial British Rule. Notably, it was a strategy that led to one of the largest forced migrations of people in history; 14 million people were displaced, and over 1 million people were killed. A significant moment in time that defined generations, leading to 4 India Pakistan wars, countless other lives to be lost and a deep rooted sense of hatred to exist between these two nations. 76 years later, the tactic is being employed once again by the current right-wing government of India. This is evident as they have successfully managed to polarise different communities based on religious differences and gained a stronghold on the land of 1.4 billion people.

Almost every family in North India has their own story that deals with the partition of India. In this project, Sinha aims to act as a vessel for the people to share their own stories. The border is what separates us; it is where history is embedded. History that defines the identity of the land Sinha comes from, the land where he lost his grandfather. The hastily drawn line by the British separated cities, villages, and families. Sinha’s paternal grandfather was a part of the Indian Armed Forces, the road to which was from the Indian Military College, formerly called the Royal Indian Military College, where he ate, drank, and grew alongside Pakistani Army Officials. However, after 1947 they would be face to face against one another in 4 wars. Whilst both his maternal grandparents migrated to India in 1947. 

The work is rooted in family history that branches out into a journey, across the 5 states of India that share a border with Pakistan. In a time of political division leading to polarisation of the population across the world, ‘This Isn't Divide and Conquer’ focuses on similarities rather than differences. Aiming to provide a platform for reflection and dialogue.

Artist Bio:

Aaryan Sinha (b.2001, New Delhi, India) is a photographer based between New Delhi, India and The Hague, Netherlands. With Sinha’s practice, he tends to focus on topics related to his homeland, India, and his ever-changing identity in connection with it. His practice is constructed around his own cultural context, reflecting on his past, origins and on the views that have been imposed on him. The perspective that he holds is a mixture of his own vision and the influence western society has had on it. The distance from his homeland brought him closer to his roots. The notion of Indian identity was one that seemed both beautiful and fragile at the same time, unable to put a finger on it, it began to feel like a mirage. Photography became an outlet to further observe this notion. The work aims to utilise photography along with archival material and text to further question and tackle themes of colonisation, visual cliches and repeating patterns. Being from a country riddled with cliches imposed by the West, it is important for him to showcase a version of India that is true to his own upbringing. In 2023, Sinha completed his bachelor’s degree in Photography from the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK). That same year his work has been exhibited in Luma Arles with House of Dior, Nederlands Fotomuseum, Melkweg Amsterdam and he was further named a Foam Talent 2024-25, as well as a finalist for the Emergentes Portfolio Review, Encontros da Imagem. 


Image Credit: Courtesy of the artist Aaryan Sinha