Family Workshops: PHOTO with a White Bear!

We invite children and their families to meet the White Teddy Bear, a Polish legend celebrated for more than 100 years. Join artists Aleksandra Karkowska & Barbara Caillot, in this fun, creative story-telling and collage workshop, as they open up the mythical world of the White Teddy Bear.

More info:

During the workshops, the artists will answer many questions, such as where it came from in Poland, why it is white if there are brown bears living in the Tatra Mountains (Polish mountains), whether the teddy bear liked to travel, how much the teddy bear costume weighs, whether it is hard work and what kind of teddy bear is "real". We will also look at photos of a white teddy bear from years ago. Together with the participants, we will consider how these archival photographs differ from contemporary ones.

The workshops are intended for children (ideally 6-11 years old) and their parents/ guardians.

Duration of classes: 50 mins.

The workshops consist of two parts:

1) Theoretical part - lasts about 20 minutes, during which we tell children interesting facts about the white teddy bear from Zakopane; in this story we are supported by quotes and photographs from the book "PHOTO with a White Bear";

2) Art part - lasts about 25-40 minutes, during which children make art works and collages from archival photographs.

During the workshops, children will receive photocopies of archival photos with a white teddy bear from the archives of Oficyna Wydawnicza OryginaƂy. Each child makes a collage from copies of photographs, colours the photos, and can decorate the work with ribbons, lace, fabric, artificial fur, etc. Join us!

About the Artists:

Barbara Caillot and Aleksandra Karkowska have written several books together, created a publishing house and created cultural events. Their brave diligence, inquisitive curiosity and particular sensitivity are not tied to a specific place on the geographical, ethnographic or cultural map of Poland.

They have dealt with metropolitan Warsaw, the highland Podtatrze region, Sopot - a seaside resort - and people travelling on the legendary ship "Batory". For all their differences, their publications have a strong common denominator. It is the memory of things first, simple, deeply personal. An emotional memory ascribed to a specific person, as fleeting and fragile as any single existence. This memory is tenderly cared for by Barbara and Alexandra. They find it, write it down, build a story from it, which, thanks to the book, and exhibition can last and give us. They mother this existence, endowing it with yet another life. A beautiful and important practice.

FREE ENTRY, (max 25 participants per workshop)

Book now:

Saturday 15th June - 11:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday 15th June - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Sunday 16th June - 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Sunday 16th June - 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Image Credit: Courtesy of the Artists Aleksandra Karkowska and Barbara Caillot

Polish Cultural Institute
Ulster Museum Belfast