Catalyst Arts Belfast

Soft Listings

Group Show

Dates: 6 June - 6 July 24

Location: Catalyst Arts

Time: Tue - Sat | 11:00pm - 5:00pm

Touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight - the order in which our senses develop. Each new sense informed by the previous one/s. We see in touch, taste, smell, and sound. In an ever-growing digital age where the average adult spends almost 7 hours a day on a screen (I write as I’ve been staring at a laptop screen for over 4 hours), soft listings is a space (and an invite) for visitors to return to (and reconnect with) their senses. The exhibition presents a collection of multi-sensory works by four artists working in different mediums but with similar sensitivities, in the form of sound, sculpture, scents, and visual and edible art, that encourage visitors to curiously explore, experience, and play with unconventional spaces within the gallery. The works in this exhibition were developed in collaboration and conversation with the four artists; Sorcha McNamara, Tara McGinn, Phillip McCrilly, Eslam Abd El Salam, and with Catalyst Arts Co-Director, Silvia Koistinen. The process welcomed the reimagining of existing works along with the development of new works - weaving new and old together. This project was funded by Arts Council Northern Ireland.

Featured Artists: Sorcha McNamara, Tara McGinn, Phillip McCrilly, Eslam Abd El Salam

Image Credit: Courtesy of the artist Sorcha McNamara